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Analog Hearing Aids

Process for timber components

The Species: Radiata Pine, Poplar, Paulownia or Basswood for timber shutter components.

Timber sawn cutting.

Timber sawn cutting

Lumber kiln drying and Moisture regain with enough hours to get timber stable without shrink back or swell.

Lumber kiln drying and Moisture regain with enough hours to get timber stable without shrink back or swell.

Use super strong glue for finger joint and edge glue process to avoid of cracking and bending.

Use super strong glue for finger joint and edge glue process to avoid of cracking and bending

Use super strong glue for finger joint and edge glue process to avoid of cracking and bending

Shaping through knives moulds to get different timber shutter parts.

Shaping through knives moulds to get different timber shutter parts

Coating on surface, special formula to prevent coating chipping off issue for paulownia, direct premium processing for Poplar or basswood parts.

Coating on surface of Timber shutter components

Sanding to make surface very smoothly and no need sanding further when apply with finish paint after shutter assembling.

Sanding process of Timber shutter components

Put base primer on basswood or poplar components to make smooth surface and ready for finish paint after assembling.

Process for timber components

protective packaging laced between the profiles and then packed into carton for safe package and suitable for ocean shipping etc.

Process for timber components

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